Domestic Violence Offender Treatment Intervention Program (DVOTI

Domestic Violence Offender Treatment Intervention Program (D.V.O.T.I)

This program is a minimum of 52 weeks and is available for individuals who have a history of partner abuse. Participants can be either self-referred or court mandated. This program provides participants with information and practical tools to change those values, beliefs, and behaviors which support the use of physical, verbal, emotional, or sexual abuse. Services are available in City of Gallup and McKinley County.

The purpose of the DVOTI classes are:


  • Assisting Class Participants to Understand Acts of: Violence Abuse Relationship to issues of Power and Control.

  • Increase Participants’ Willingness to: Change abusive behavior by recognizing the negative effects of the behavior on their relationship.

  • Increasing Participants’ Understanding of: How certain belief systems in our culture environment support use of violence and aggression particularly in men.

  • Provide Practical Information on:  How to change abusive & controlling behavior by exploring non-controlling and non-violent ways of relating to others.

  • Assisting Class Participants to:  Develop support system to remain non-violent and increase awareness of how dangerous abusive behavior can be, not only to themselves, but their spouse and children as well.

Here at Battered Families Services, Inc. we follow our state program standards that require us to look at the Domains of Domestic Violence in every referral we receive. It’s important to note that NOT all court referrals are appropriate for BIP services. On some cases individuals have been “Deemed Victim” and or referred to Anger Management Programs (especially those isolated incidents that are not intimate partner violence).

Domestic Violence offenders are a separate category of violent offenders requiring a specialized approach.


     Whereas; some DV offenders can benefit from Anger Management due to impulsive rage, addressing the behavior of a person with intimate partner abuse requires a specialized approach.

     Intimate partner violence is based on one person’s unrealistic and or unfair expectations or “rules” for his or her partner. This is compounded by a feeling of entitlement to punish or gets revenge when the partner doesn’t meet these expectations.

     Offenders do an excellent job of managing their anger when they choose to do so; for example: they manage their anger with their bosses or in a tense confrontation with someone at a club. Offenders choose not to manage their anger with their partners. Abuse is not about loss of control, but rather maintaining it. Anger Management alone does NOT get to the root of intimate partner violence; that is, the issue of power and control and one person’s need and /or perceived right to dominate another. Anger management alone does not address the underlying attitudes and belief systems that allow abusers to make choices that they do. Anger Management fails to account for the premeditated controlling behaviors associated with abuse. Intimate partner violence is often a series of behaviors inflicted on the victim through direct and indirect controlling and degrading behaviors. It is not merely a series of impulsive, angry incidents but often a premeditated system of control.

     In sum, Anger Management programs have a little impact on the motivations of abuser and, of used as a “Quick-Fix” for domestic violence, and it may endanger victims.

  • Most of our participants are referred by the courts after being charged and convicted of a “Battery against a Household Member”.

  • Most of them are also placed on supervises probation.

  • They are expected to complete 52 classes as part of their sentencing.

  • We are starting to see more and more participants also being referred after their partners file a restraining order, and as part of a relief, they are also referred to BIP classes. We have seen an increase in Child Protective Services referrals, one must understand that exposing children to parental abuse truly impacts children behavior leading to depression, self-harm and overall trauma and feeling trapped in the middle of their parents causing ongoing confusion.

  • We also obtain referrals from Probation and Parole Officers other Counties Magistrate and District courts and even from other states. We also welcome Self-Referrals (contingent an intake assessment to determine if program would be a good match for them.

TIPs (Things to Know)


  • Abusive behavior is regulated by an estimation of probable consequences, never by provocation.

  • Intimate partner Violence is shaped and supported by societal, familial and cultural norms

  • Behaviors are learned over time such that they appear reactionary but are premeditated.

Offender Re-Education: 


     Based on nationally recognized best practices, BFS provides a 52-session offender re-education program called “Family Peace Initiative” for male and female offenders. Participants may be referred by the courts, CYFD or other agencies and voluntary. This is a state-approved program.

