
Thanks to a grant from The AllState Foundation, BFS will be upgrading our website in the coming months.

Our Services
24 Emergency Shelters

We can provide emergency shelter for families who are in immediate threat and in need of safety.

24 Hour Crisis Line

If you are in Crisis and in need of assistance, we offer services for you to call.

Safety Planning

We offer safety planning for families in need of safety guidelines.


We can provide transportation for families who are in immediate need.

Survivor Services

We can provide shelter and legal assistance for families who are threatened and in need of safety.

Advocates and Caseworkers

Shelter Residents are provided with Advocates and Caseworkers to help guide them through the process.

Our Domestic Violence Offender Treatment Intervention (DVOTI) Program is for those who've been court mandated as a result of a Domestic Violence conviction.

Our Business Hours of Operation
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM